Book an Appointment at Sacred Earth Acupuncture and Holistic Healing
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Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture is a natural, safe, and effective treatment method based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, a system of healing that works with the natural regenerative abilities of the body. Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese medical technique of applying ultra-thin needles, or filaments, to specific points or acu-points on the body related to energy pathways or meridians that run throughout the body to activate the body’s energy known as “Qi”. Hair-thin filaments are placed into specific points along the meridians, each with their own unique function. Western medicine recognizes that there is an abundance of connections between blood vessels, nerve bundles, and lymph tissue where these points are located. The acu-points function to restore balance to the body’s energy, and strengthen the body’s natural abilities to heal. Acupuncture has been cited by the Acupuncture Evidence Project supported by the World Health Organization as effectively treating 117 conditions. Traditional Chinese Medicine also includes therapies such as Tui Na massage, Cupping, Gua Sha, Moxabustion and Nutritional therapy.
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture is the use of sterile, thin needles (filaments) that are inserted into the skin of the face and neck area to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, drooping, skin discoloration and scarring. At Sacred Earth, we embrace and celebrate aging! We practice Cosmetic Acupuncture to support not only your skin, but all of your body's systems. We also use complementary techniques such as facial cupping, facial gua sha, jade rolling and topical herbal treatment to ensure the best possible outcome.
Astrology and Numerology Readings
Astrology is the ancient study of the celestial bodies that exist in our solar system and how their energetic influence effects our personality, behaviors and future. During an Astrology reading we will be looking at the planetary placements that relate to the time, date and location of your birth.
Numerology is the ancient esoteric study of numbers and their meanings. In Numerology, we use your date of birth and letters in your name to discover helpful information about yourself and your life. In a birth chart reading we take a look at the most significant numbers that define your life and personality.
Intuitive Readings
An Intuitive Reading is a great way to check in with yourself and the energies you are currently working with. A combination of Psychic Mediumship, Tarot, Oracle cards, Numerology and Astrology will be used to provide guidance regarding the questions that you may have.
Energy Healing
A combination of Reiki, Pranic Healing, and Shamanic healing techniques will be used in your Energy Healing session to help your physical and subtle bodies heal. During your treatment you may experience warmth, tingling, a boost in your energy, or perhaps an emotional release. Because Energy Healing is so gentle, everyone can benefit from a treatment. If you are looking to relax, relieve stress, and raise your vibration, this is the perfect healing modality for you!
Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy is a full body healing modality that reduces stress, relives muscle pain and relaxes the nervous system. Massage is an effective way to aid in alleviating tension in the body while quieting the mind. Relaxation techniques provide feelings of rejuvenation and release, giving your body time to relax and heal. Massage increases circulation, decreases inflammation and helps to calm aches and pains. Enjoy the many benefits of bodywork while resting your mind and body.
Classes and Workshops
We offer a variety of classes and workshops offered by our heart-centered practitioners to bring wisdom, empowerment and a sense of connection to our community.
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Located at: 1250 Executive Pl, Suite 402, Geneva
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Need Help? 331-442-4048